Not Only Manufacturing Products, But Also Setting Standards - Wuxing Bicycle Co., Ltd.

Aug 30, 2021

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  Recently, Zhejiang brand building Federation approved and issued the notice of "made in Zhejiang" standard "speed regulating handle for electric bicycle", which was officially implemented on April 30, 2020. Jiande Wuxing bicycle Co., Ltd. is the main drafting unit of this standard.   

Wuxing bicycle Co., Ltd held the "made in Zhejiang" standard launch and seminar

On the morning of August 6, 2019, the group standard launch and seminar of "made in Zhejiang" of "speed regulating handle for electric bicycle" led by Zhejiang Institute of standardization was successfully held in the Jiande Wuxing bicycle Co., Ltd. Many experts including Zhejiang Institute of product quality and safety inspection, national bicycle standardization center, national light electric vehicle quality inspection center, Lima Vehicle Industry Group Co., Ltd. and Jiande market supervision administration were invited to participate in the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, Zhejiang Institute of standardization delivered a speech on the official launch of the formulation of "made in Zhejiang" standards for the five-star vehicle industry. Mao Lei, chief of Jiande market supervision and Administration Bureau, made a basic introduction to the "made in Zhejiang" standards in Jiande City, and then Ji Julin, general manager of the company, delivered a welcome speech and made a brief introduction to the company. Next, I made a detailed description of the advanced content of the standard draft of the electric bicycle speed regulation system and the advanced nature of the standard. Subsequently, experts around the positioning requirements of the "Zhejiang manufacturing" standard, from the product performance indicators, inspection and testing and quality commitment, as well as the specific content of the draft standard, the advanced description is demonstrated, and put forward valuable changes. We must strive to keep pace with the advanced requirements of the "Zhejiang manufacturing" standard, and we should draw up benchmarks in the formulation of standards, highlight the advantages, and achieve the goal of leading the industry to integrate with the international market.  

Wuxing bicycle Co., Ltd held the "made in Zhejiang" standard review meeting

On the morning of December 6, 2019, the "made in Zhejiang" standard review meeting of speed regulating handle for electric bicycle led by Zhejiang Institute of standardization was successfully held in Hangzhou. Many experts including Ningbo Standardization Research Institute, national bicycle standardization center, national light electric vehicle quality inspection center, Zhejiang Machinery Industry Federation, Bureau Veritas Eurasia electrical technology consulting service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Jiande market supervision and Administration Bureau were invited to participate in the meeting.
LV Xiaosi, the representative of Zhejiang Institute of standardization, gave a brief introduction to the overall situation and review requirements of "made in Zhejiang" brand construction. Bao Jun, the leader of the expert group, read out the integrity and confidentiality commitment of the "made in Zhejiang" standard review expert group. Hu Jianhong, the representative of the standard working group, made a detailed description on the preparation of the standard speed regulating handle for electric bicycle. The expert group consulted the data, listened to the report, inquired and discussed the standard content of "speed regulating handle for electric bicycle", agreed to pass the review, and put forward some opinions and suggestions. The formulation, release and implementation of the standard will standardize the production of speed regulating handle products for electric bicycles, improve the technical level of speed regulating handle products and enhance the brand image of "made in Zhejiang".

As of May 2020, various standards participated by the Wuxing bicycle Co., Ltd. Include:
We not only manufacture products, but also set standards!
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